Help Your Municipality Adopt Proposals to Support Healthy Habitat

Traditional property maintenance codes that mandate short grass and prohibit weeds are increasingly seen as outdated due to their negative environmental impact. Such regulations generally prioritize a uniform, manicured aesthetic over ecological health, leading to the loss of crucial habitats for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. On the other hand, many of these codes do not provide guidelines for noxious weeds or invasives, which can do real harm if left unattended.

Did You Get a Notice?

Did you receive a notice, complaint, or fine for the way you are managing your property? Our neighbors and town might still erroneously consider a sustainable yard a hazard.  The good news is that an increasing number of residents who appear in court to challenge the violation are having the rulings set in their favor.
For advice on the steps to take after receiving a notification, click here >

Testing the Water

If you are unsure about your town board’s willingness to adopt changes in their maintenance code, it might be wiser to suggest that your town adopt the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge, become a Tree City, or a Bee City, or a similar ‘positive’ project. Starting with a positive action often makes the step to adjusting codes to support such initiatives more palatable and less contentious.

Making a Proposal

We have created a template for you that might help you to create a proposal for your local maintenance codes. It is helpful to contact one of your town board members who might be most sympathetic to your proposal for suggestions on how to best approach the town with your proposal. For the template click here >

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