Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices are plant parts — leaves, seeds, roots or bulbs — that are used in small amounts to add flavor to food or for medicinal purposes. Many of the herbs are great garden plants, and fit well in perennial beds, and are much loved by pollinators. You can create a separate herb garden or just add them to your yard or to your vegetable plot.

Annual and Biennial Herbs and Spices
Grow from seed, directly in the soil after last frost date, or earlier indoors. Examples of annual and biennial leafy herbs and spices: Angelica, Anise, Basil ,Borage, Burnet, Chervil, Camomille, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Fenugreek, Lemon Verbena, Parsley, Anise seed, Mustard seed, Celery seed, Coriander seed, Fennel seed, Fenugreek seed, and Poppy seed, Summer Savory
Perennial Herbs and Spices
Most of these grow as regular perennial garden plants, shrubs or small trees. Check hardiness before planting. Some of these have different varieties with different flavors: Angelica, Bay leaf, Bergamot, Chives, Garlic, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Oregano, Mint, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Savory, Tarragon, Thyme. Saffron, Horseradish, Juniper berries, Roman Chamomile, Winter Savory,

Tropical herbs and spices
Tropical climates are found close to the equator and are typically frost-free. Some people are successful with producing these spices indoors, or in protected areas in sub-tropical climates: Jamaican Pepper, Peppercorns, Cardamon seeds, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin seeds, Ginger root, Licorice, Nutmeg, Mace, Turmeric root, Vanilla