Organizing a Garden Tour
Celebrate and promote healthier yards with a tour! It isn’t difficult to set up one, and it is a great way to connect and have fun. You can do a small tour in your street or neighborhood, or invite the whole town to participate. If you contact us we will be happy to help you set you up. Here below you find a summary of the things we think are useful for the tour.
Start with ( in order of time)
- A few people who like to organize
- Requirements for participation
- An invitation
- Participants
- A date and time
- A spreadsheet for all data
- A digital map ( for example WP Google maps)
- A digital sign up form
- A printable map
- Garden signs

Helpful tips
- Ask local environmental organizations for participation
- Ask landscapers and nurseries for participation
- Use social media and create a mailing list to send out invitations
- Create a press release for local media
- Make poster/flyers/card etc.
- Create a handout for during the tour
- Be careful about safety,and make sure the visitors visit gardens at their own risk
Organizing a tour takes time but shouldn’t cost a lot of money. In our experience, the only real investment is the yard sign. Try to find a sponsor and forgo a date on the sign, so you can use the signs again in the future. For our customizable designs for handouts, flyers and the yard sign click here>