Seasonal Services
We want to assure landscapers that healthier yard practices can be offered at the same price as conventional landscaping.
We are aware that changing to more sustainable practices is a long-term process in which homeowners and landscapers both play their part.
We love to facilitate this change, and we welcome sharing your stories: please tell us your experiences — both the good and the bad.

Early spring: prune, hand clear debris, add compost, begin planting, seeding.

Late spring: shear, plant, transplant, remove dead flower heads from bulbs.

Early summer: remove weeds, shear and deadhead to promote flowering.

Late summer: remove weeds, harvest, water where necessary.

Early fall: remove weeds, collect seeds, harvest, plant shrubs and trees

Late fall: plant bulbs, add compost and mulch and aerate where needed,

Early Winter: build and repair hardware, cover compost pile

Winter: stratify seeds, repair and sharpen equipment, take a break!