Trouble Shooting
Vegetable gardens need constant attention and there is no denying, they do involve work! You ideally want to have your vegetable garden in a very convenient place that you can visit frequently. Plan, plan, plan! Make sure you are planting vegetables that can grow in the conditions that your garden offers. If it’s full sun, plant things that love full sun like tomatoes and cucumber. Lettuce and tender herbs like basil are better for spring and fall planting, or need afternoon shade. Here are some things you’ll need to pay attention to.

Bad soil conditions can be caused by insufficient irrigation, compacted soil, or too much water. Add compost to the top four inches of soil and mulch to help retain moisture.

Most seasonal crops, like tomatoes, need sun, preferably more than 6 hours per day. If you don’t have enough sun, choose cool season species.

With the right growing conditions, your vegetable garden can get out of control. If you prefer some order, make sure to leave enough room for each crop in your planning.

Regular garden soil is filled with seed that can grow and crowd the paths and the beds. Try to suppress the weeds with mulch. Avoid pulling if possible, cut annual weeds before they go to seed.

There are many plant pests with many different causes. Attracting predatory insects is your best defense. Look up your pest and find specific advice online. If you can, start with the least-harmful solution.

There are many types of diseases. Make sure your garden has enough ventilation. Remove sickly plant parts (putting them in the trash not the compost) and clean your tools after handling them. Look up diseases and cures online.
Since there are so many pests and diseases and so many ways to act, we advise you to join our Healthy Yards Facebook Group. Share a picture and we will be happy to help! Wikipedia also has a comprehensive site about plant diseases: click here >